I am an interdisciplinary artist based in Kent and London currently working as a session artist, workshop facilitator, artistic advisor and mentor, performer, and theatre director dedicated to fostering an inclusive, interdisciplinary ecology for diverse communities. I believe creativity drives positive social change and holistic well-being. Therefore, I'm excited to explore new artistic approaches and expressions that matter.
**Training and Education:**
- BA and Certificates in Arts AAU, EKC, and UoK.
- MA in Physical Acting and Movement Studies from UoK.
- Black Acting Methods by Dr. Sharrell D. Luckett.
- Trainee Director at RSC & Good Chance's Kyoto production.
- Artivism: curated by PLACE Network.org
Based in the UK.

Body as Data project summer event
'Kyoto' RSC and Good Chance theatre company's play... Grateful to be part of the wonderful directing team as a trainee from April to July

Supported by and in Collaboration with